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Turbocharger system diagnostics guide



The content of the diagnostic tool on this website is for information only and should not be used as a substitute for manufacturer’s procedures and guidelines. Garrett Motion disclaims any liability with regards to the contents of this online guide that is graciously provided to the public. In particular Garrett Motion cannot be held liable for any injuries or damages due to improper use of the materials contained therein. Garrett Motion reminds that a turbocharger can only be assembled or disassembled by trained engine specialists.


  • The evaluation may only be conducted with the vehicle in drivable condition.
  • The instructions are followed without fail as described by the vehicle manufacturers before any vehicle trials.
  • Discontinue the trials at signs of engine malfunction such as black smoke, excessive oil consumption or run away engine.
  • Always use the diagnosis tool recommended or provided by the vehicle’s manufacturer in combination with turbocharger guidelines.
Perform all checks on turbocharger and engine only when engine is not running and cold.
Question the customer on failure symptoms
Check the vehicle intervention and repair history.
Run the vehicle to reproduce claim
Run the diagnostic equipment as recommended by the car manufacturer; this will allow to read the error codes of the Engine Control Unit and indicate in which direction to look for the problem.

Correct tightening, alignment and integrity (no leak, damage or clogging)

Correct tightening, alignment and integrity (no leak, damage, clogging or external pollution)

In case a heavy pollution is found externally on a blocked turbo kinematics, a proper cleaning should be done to restore kinematics function – avoid a risk of water ingress into turbocharger interior, when cleaned with pressure water

Select the type of issue